🛠️How to Use & Setup

Nearly.AI generates code for Laravel which is framework built on PHP Language so we expect that our users have knowledge about PHP and Laravel.

Step 1 : Creating your Project

You need to Login or Register on Nearly.AI

If you are using Nearly.AI for first time then you will get one default project created. you need to complete Project Setup and Purchase your preferred plan to proceed further for build.

Step 2 : Build & Download Project

After Successful Purchase of plan now you will be able to access project build where you can Create CRUDs, CRUD Groups and Menu Groups as per your need.

Inside CRUD you can select your best preferred configs and you can manage fields also as per your need to get your code based on that.

One you are ready with your Project CRUDs and other menu changes now you can request Generate Code to build your code. after requesting code please wait for few minutes. once code is ready you will get download button to download your latest code.

Step 3 : Setup Project

  • Extract the Downloaded project zip to folder

  • Copy .env.example to .env

  • Setup your .env config for DB and MAIL as per your need

  • Install Composer

composer install
  • Generate Key

php artisan key:generate
  • Link Storage Folder

php artisan storage:link
  • Run Optimize Clear Command

php artisan optimize:clear
  • Execute Migration

php artisan migrate
  • Note : We generate all migration again with each code generation so you need to manage add edit column if you have it's need. so in case of regenerate code and column not update you can use below command to reset db by delete all previous table and data and create new table according to new migrations

php artisan migrate:fresh
  • Run Seeds for default user and fresh permissions

php artisan db:seed
  • You can access project with your virtual host or you can start local server with below command

php artisan serve
  • You can login into system with below admin credentials

  • That's it you can access the system now.

Last updated